STEPS TAKEN AGAINST DISINFORMATION Citizens of Baltic states are more pro-active in terms of actions taken against disinformation. But also, there is part of the population that more often say they do not do anything when encountered with disinformation on social media. EE LT LV V4 + AT I will alert those around me that 44% 47% 51% 51% this is disinformation ✓ Womensay more often that they will alert surroundings about I will block the person whoposted or shared the disinformation. disinformation 32% 38% 37% 41% ✓ Over third of people up to 34 years old say that they will I will report the disinformation post to report disinformation post to the the social network operator to have it removed 27% 23% 29% 23% social network operator. ✓ People with university degree I don´t use social media 17% 10% 6% 6% are more active with steps taken against disinformation. Noneoftheabove 8% 16% 11% 12% Question: Q8. Which of the following steps will you take if you read disinformation on social media? Base: n=1000 per country Note: Higher/Lower than average of V4 + AT 8

Perceptions of information chaos in Baltic states and Central Europe - Page 8 Perceptions of information chaos in Baltic states and Central Europe Page 7 Page 9