SUMMARY: OUTLYING LATVIA Estonia and Lithuanian share overall similar view on disinformation and information 01 chaos. However, Latvia distinguishes itself from other Baltic countries on several key levels. Latvians trust new media, especially social media, more than other Baltic nations. 02 They are skeptical about disinformation and less likely to report exposure or identify contributing factors and consequences. Additionally, they have less confidence in preventive tools to combat disinformation compared to Estonia and Lithuania. On the other hand, Latvians are more prone to believe tested disinformation reports 03 even more than mean of V4 countries and Austria. Overall, Latvians seem be to disinterested with disinformation and rather passive in comparison to Estonians and Lithuanians. 22

Perceptions of information chaos in Baltic states and Central Europe - Page 22 Perceptions of information chaos in Baltic states and Central Europe Page 21 Page 23