CAMPAIGNS AIMED AT IMPROVING MEDIA LITERACY AND UNDERSTANDING OF MEDIA Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians more often notice campaigns that are aimed to improve media literacy. EE LT LV V4 + AT Campaigns aimed at improving media 28% 40% 35% 41% literacy and understanding of media have ever noticed… 6% 6% ✓ Younger people up to 34 years 7% 8% old are more likely to notice at Yes, I actively least some campaigns and even searched for this 20% actively search for them. campaign 33% 27% 36% Yes, I noticed any ✓ People with university degree campaign notice campaigns more often than others but they actively search for them as same as No other. 61% 43% 48% 45% ✓ The same applies for people with Do not know high net personal income. 12% 17% 18% 14% Question: Q20. Have you ever noticed campaigns aimed at improving media literacy and understanding of media? Base: n=1000 per country Note: Higher/Lower than average of all countries 6

Perceptions of information chaos in Baltic states and Central Europe - Page 6 Perceptions of information chaos in Baltic states and Central Europe Page 5 Page 7