À PROPOS D’ IPSOS GAME CHANGERS Ipsos is the world’s third largest market research company, In our world of rapid change, the need of reliable information present in 90 markets and employing more than 18,000 people. to make confident decisions has never been greater. Our passionately curious research professionals, analysts and At Ipsos we believe our clients need more than a data supplier, scientists have built unique multi-specialist capabilities that they need a partner who can produce accurate and relevant provide true understanding and powerful insights into the information and turn it into actionable truth. actions, opinions and motivations of citizens, consumers, patients, customers or employees. We serve more than 5000 This is why our passionately curious experts not only provide clients across the world with 75 business solutions. the most precise measurement, but shape it to provide True Understanding of Society, Markets and People. Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos is listed on the Euronext Paris since July 1st, 1999. The company is part of the SBF 120 To do this we use the best of science, technology and the Mid-60 index and is eligible for the Deferred Settlement and know-how and apply the principles of security, simplicity, Service (SRD). speed and substance to everything we do. ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg So that our clients can act faster, smarter and bolder. IPS:FP Ultimately, success comes down to a simple truth: www.ipsos.com You act better when you are sure. 95‒ ©© IIppsososs

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