Summary findings Happiness rebounds Relationships and Satisfaction varies Key drivers of Many lack support Pessimism prevails in Latin America, knowledge are what with economic happiness system about the future of drops in many people are most development relationships Western countries satisfied with • Higher on average in • Satisfaction levels are • High-income country • Happy people are most • Globally, only 72% • Twice as many say it Global South than in highest with citizens tend to be more likely to feel useful, in have friends or will get more difficult high-income countries relationships — satisfied with their control of their life, relatives they could rely than easier for singles • Top 5: China, Saudi children, spouse, safety, material valued, and satisfied to help them to find a romantic Arabia, Netherlands, relatives, friends, co- possessions, living with their mental and • Significantly fewer in partner, for couples to India, Brazil workers, and nature — conditions, and jobs material well-being Japan, Brazil, and maintain a happy • Higher among married, and with education and • Middle-income country • Happiness drivers vary South Korea, and relationship, and for more affluent, better information citizens are generally little by gender, except generally among lower- people to have close educated • Lowest with country’s more satisfied with their for marital relationships income earners friendships they can situation, own finances, faith/spiritual life, and mental health • Four in 10 report count on • No difference by romantic/sex life, and physical wellbeing, (more important to having recently • Pessimism is most gender physical activity looks, relatives, sense women’s happiness) experienced a pronounced among of control and purpose, and one’s own financial distressing event with Boomers and GenXers, and feeling appreciated situation higher proportions the less educated and (more important to among Gen Zers and affluent, unmarried men's happiness) Millennials, those with a adults – and more • Happiness levels are lower income and generally in high- strongly correlated with women income countries consumer confidence