Personal safety and security 10 Material possessions 7 Relative satisfaction higher in Satisfaction with Living conditions 5 high-income countries Job (if employed) 4 aspects of life Social status 3 Feeling free to do and say what I want 3 and level of Access to /in touch with nature 3 Amount of free time 2 development Co-workers (if employed) 2 Friends 2 My children (if a parent) 2 Access to news/information 1 Level of education 1 Economic situation 1 Difference between high-income Feeling loved 0 and middle-income countries in Financial situation 0 Access to entertainment/leisure activities 0 rank of life aspects based on % Romantic/sex life 0 satisfied with each of them Social life -1 Social and political situation -1 Relationship with partner/spouse (if has one) -1 Mental health and well-being -2 Exercising/physical activities -3 Relationship with relatives -5 Feeling appreciated -5 Feeling my life has meaning -5 Relative satisfaction higher in Feeling in control of my life -5 Middle-income countries Looks -6 My physical health and well-being -6 Religious faith or spiritual life -7

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