TOPLINE AND METHODOLOGY 6. How confident are you, if at all, that Americans will reconcile our differences in the next five years? Very Somewhat A little Not at all Very/Somewhat A little/not at all Wave: confident confident confident confident Not sure Skipped confident confident March 10-13 2% 10% 23% 57% 8% 1% 12% 80% 7. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? People with opposing political views don't share my values Total Total Strongly Somewhat Neither agree / disagree / Strongly Somewhat agree nor Somewhat Strongly Somewhat Strongly Wave: agree agree disagree disagree disagree Skipped agree disagree March 10-13 11% 30% 30% 19% 8% 1% 41% 28% People from different racial backgrounds don't share my values Total Total Strongly Somewhat Neither agree / disagree / Strongly Somewhat agree nor Somewhat Strongly Somewhat Strongly Wave: agree agree disagree disagree disagree Skipped agree disagree March 10-13 2% 11% 31% 29% 27% 1% 13% 55% People from different religious backgrounds don't share my values Total Total Strongly Somewhat Neither agree / disagree / Strongly Somewhat agree nor Somewhat Strongly Somewhat Strongly Wave: agree agree disagree disagree disagree Skipped agree disagree March 10-13 5% 19% 35% 27% 14% * 24% 41% Right now, in America, there is more that unites us than divides us (n=508) Total Total Strongly Somewhat Neither agree / disagree / Strongly Somewhat agree nor Somewhat Strongly Somewhat Strongly Wave: agree agree disagree disagree disagree Skipped agree disagree March 10-13 7% 25% 27% 24% 16% * 32% 40% 2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos +1 202 463-7300 Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 202 420-2025

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