TOPLINE AND METHODOLOGY 12. Would you support or oppose a “national divorce” where Republican-leaning states form a separate country from Democratic-leaning states? Total Total Strongly/ Somewhat Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Somewhat /Strongly Wave: support support oppose oppose Skipped support oppose March 10-13 6% 15% 17% 60% 3% 20% 77% 13. How likely, if at all, would you be to do the following? Move out of your current state if they passed laws negatively impacting you Total Total Not Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Don’t Very/somevery/not at Wave: likely likely likely likely know Skipped what likely all likely March 10-13 18% 35% 22% 11% 12% 1% 54% 34% Move to a state that is led by people more aligned with your political beliefs Total Total Not Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Don’t Very/somevery/not at Wave: likely likely likely likely know Skipped what likely all likely March 10-13 12% 28% 27% 21% 12% 1% 40% 48% Move to a state where your voice and vote may have a large impact, like a swing state Total Total Not Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Don’t Very/somevery/not at Wave: likely likely likely likely know Skipped what likely all likely March 10-13 7% 20% 31% 25% 17% 1% 27% 56% Move out of your state if there was a serious effort to secede from the U.S. Total Total Not Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Don’t Very/somevery/not at Wave: likely likely likely likely know Skipped what likely all likely March 10-13 25% 22% 17% 18% 18% 1% 47% 35% Move to a state that was seriously trying to leave the U.S. Total Total Not Very Somewhat Not very Not at all Don’t Very/somevery/not at Wave: likely likely likely likely know Skipped what likely all likely March 10-13 4% 9% 17% 58% 11% 1% 12% 76% 2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos +1 202 463-7300 Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 202 420-2025

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