Average: -22 Expectations Saudi Arabia +29 Male -20 United Arab Emirates +17 about married China +15 Female -23 Brazil +8 India +5 couples’ ability to Malaysia +4 Gen Z -16 maintain a happy Indonesia -1 Millennial -16 Peru -21 relationship Mexico -21 Gen X -26 Thailand -22 Boomer -32 Netherlands -24 Australia -24 Argentina -25 Married -14 South Africa -26 Net score Sweden -26 Other -28 Great Britain -26 Difference between % expecting that, Spain -28 over the next 10 years, it will be easier Colombia -28 Lower income -24 for married couples to maintain a happy Portugal -28 Middle income -23 relationship and % expecting it will be Germany -29 Chile -29 Upper income -19 more difficult (in percentage points) United States -29 Japan -32 Canada -33 Lower education -24 Italy -35 Medium education -24 Poland -35 France -36 Higher education -18 Singapore -37 South Korea -38 Hungary -41 Employed -19 Turkey -49 Non-employed -28 Belgium -49

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